FedUp Concordia Campaign
Demand Good Food for All at Concordia University! 🍎
About the FedUp Campaign
FedUp is dedicated to improving food services at Concordia. We’re fighting to replace Aramark, the university’s current food service provider. Our solution? A community-owned, student-led social enterprise that supports the local economy.
In November 2024, we introduced a ballot measure to mandate the Concordia Student Union to support our agenda.83% of Concordia undergraduate students voted in favor.
Why We're FedUp with Aramark
Aramark is a food service multinational that specializes in poor-quality, overpriced cuisine. They under-value and under-pay the staff who work at their facilities on campus, and they use prison labor to process their ingredients.
Aramark controls all the dining halls and many of the eateries at Concordia. Students who live in residence are forced to pay over $6000 for Aramark meal plans. What do they get in return? We’ve heard reports of students finding raw chicken, moldy fruit, bugs, and staples in their food.
Despite all these pressing issues, the university plans to renew its contract with Aramark.
What's the Solution?
We're a part of a coalition to replace Aramark’s dining halls and eateries with a community-owned, student-led social enterprise at Concordia. This initiative is called EquiTable.
EquiTable will be a multi-stakeholder nonprofit governed by a Board of Directors. There will be board seats reserved for food advocacy groups, social economy actors, workers, students, faculty, and the community at large.
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